LG Water Solutions,LG Chem


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Título LG Chem RO Membrane Online Technical Webinar (Korean) - Session 2
Periodo de inscripción ~ 08 Dic. 2021 15:00 (GMT +9)
Fecha 08 Dic. 2021
Hora 15:00~16:00 (GMT +9)
Tema 1. LG Q+ Projection Software Basics 2. Using Q+ to Design a BWRO System
Presentador Junsik Oh, Manager, Application Engineering Team
URL Link https://smartlgchem.webex.com/smartlgchem/j.php?MTID=md8f9b2ce26d901d2452e7281a83b3317
Descripción LG Water Solutions will be hosting a regional online RO technical webinar for customers and any professionals in the water treatment field located or doing business in Korea.
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